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American School Parents' Association

A strong home-school partnership is essential for students to reach their full potential. ASHK promotes regular communication between parents and teachers, as well as parent volunteer programs. American School Parents' Association (ASPA) plays an important role at ASHK and is the main driver in building a cohesive school community.

ASPA Objectives

  • To foster a sense of community within the school by coordinating and supporting various school and social activities that take place throughout the year
  • To facilitate better communication between Parents, Teachers, Administration, and the Board of Governors
  • To promote parental participation in the future direction and development of the school
  • To engage with ASHK families to increase interest in and understanding of the school's Mission and the function of ASPA in support of the Mission
  • To raise and distribute ASPA funds in a purposeful manner to support school programs and enhance the education of our children
  • To promote the welfare of ASHK students and their families in school, community and home


  • All parents of children attending American School Hong Kong are members of ASPA