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(Old) EAL at ASHK

At ASHK, students who are learning English as an additional language (EAL) are supported by EAL specialist teachers who carry out the mission of the school while providing targeted instruction for English language development.

Academic Language

We provide a challenging American and International program at ASHK. In regards to this, our instruction focuses on Academic Language. We teach language objectives that match content objectives in the classroom. We are members of the WIDA International School Consortium, which provides us access to a network of schools and an abundance of resources and assessment materials. We conduct diagnostic assessments upon entry and yearly assessments to measure growth in English proficiency, in addition to the ongoing formative assessments to measure progress.

Inclusive Access to Curriculum

We believe in empowering students. In order to accomplish this in our program, we believe access to grade-level curriculum is vital for our students. All students at ASHK are provided with the same quality of rigorous education. Our program provides language instruction and supports to students learning English. We work in classes through various co-teaching models as well as out of class in targeted pull-out classes based on student need.

Scaffolded Supports

As we work to form independent critical thinkers and responsible global citizens, we provide support in the form of scaffolds. Like scaffolding, our supports are flexible, temporary, and based on need. EAL supports are provided throughout a learner’s day whether they are with an EAL specialist, their classroom teachers, or other educators. Like all good scaffolds, they are intended to be removed when no longer needed based on English proficiency.

Collaborative Planning

To promote excellence, EAL teachers plan collaboratively with content area teachers to ensure objectives and rigor are met whether the student is in or out of the classroom.